Tag Archives: German

Autodesk Answer Day – 27 October 2016

Autodesk is holding another Answer Day to encourage you to use the Autodesk Community (discussion forums). Hop along and get answers to your questions (hopefully), because this is a special day where Autodesk people will attend and be responsive.

Here is the announcement. When is this event, exactly?

Join us on Thursday, Oct 27th from 6:00am to 6:00pm Pacific Time.

Autodesk, if you’re promoting a “global event”, please try to remember that the globe extends beyond the West Coast of America and include UTC (GMT) times in your announcements. Most of us know where our time zones are in relation to UTC, but seeing something listed only in Pacific Time is likely to mean we have to head off to a site like timeanddate.com or thetimenow.com to work it out.

To save you all the effort, Pacific Time is currently UTC -7 hours, so for people outside North America, that means the event is from UTC 1 PM Thursday 27 October to 1 AM Friday 28 October.

There is also a German-language variant of the event on two German forums from 10 AM to 5 PM October 27 Central Europe Time (8 AM to 3 PM UTC). Here is the Autodesk announcement in German, and here is my own (probably terrible) attempt at a German version of this paragraph:

Es gibt auch eine deutschsprachige Variante der Veranstaltung an zwei deutschen Diskussionsgruppe von 10.00 bis 17.00 Uhr 27. Oktober Mitteleuropäische Zeit (08.00 Uhr bis 15.00 Uhr UTC). Hier ist die Autodesk Ankündigung auf Deutsch.