Downloading AutoCAD 2011

Apparently, AutoCAD 2011 has been available for download for the best part of a day.

Here’s my experience so far. As a Subscription customer, I can see a bright new Get Your Upgrade button, and if I click on that I get an AutoCAD 2011 English link to click on. So far so good. If I click on that link, I get only this:

Error Message
You are currently not authorized to download from this Account.

I have contacted my reseller to try to work out what is going on. In the meantime, I’d be interested to know if any of you are having the same problem.

What has your download experience been like? Did it work? If so, how long did it take? Any issues with Autodesk download manager or your own? Did you do a Subscription download or the trial version? Did you choose to receive a DVD? Are you located outside North America? Any feedback is welcome.

19 thoughts on “Downloading AutoCAD 2011

  1. Mike Burke

    Downloaded it this morning (March 26 New Zealand time). No problems getting both 32 and 64 bit versions.

  2. Mike Burke

    It was the Subscription download via that big upgrade button.

    Can’t remember if we decided to stay receiving DVD’s or not, I’ll have to get to you on that.

  3. Lesley Green

    I was easily able to download it but my problems started with activating it.

    I needed a new serial number, I was supposed to have received an email with all required activation info, it didn’t arrive. So I emailed the suggested address and received an email asking for more information, which I sent.
    Then four different people later and the same questions over and over it was resolved this morning.
    It was only a days worth of emails and downloading but it was a days lost work……not very happy, considering if I had been sent the information in the first place it would have all been avoided.

  4. Chris Cowgill

    I was finally able to download it at 2pm local time yesterday afternoon (US Eastern Time Zone) It took 2 1/2 hours and never got any faster than 345kb/s. I also happen to have our account contacts subscription info (with permission of course) so I was able to retrieve the serial number and the product id code. Started it up, it registered itself. Now if only I could plot to my kip machine, I’d be set.

  5. Jeff Bartels

    I was able to download AutoCAD 2011 thursday evening 3/25, (I’m on subscription), the download took about an hour. The only difficulty I had was authorizing the program, the serial number had changed. I logged into my subscription account and checked my contract info to find the new number. Once activated, I was up and running without a hitch. I did think it was interesting that my communication center popped up within an hour after installation and requested that I download a patch for the materials library. Patch installed without any problems. So far everything is running smoothly. (Windows 7 64 bit)

  6. dave ea

    our organization definitely opted to continue receiving the DVD. for IT support purposes alone it made sense for us to have the app available and installable at all times regardless of our Internet connectivity or network status. work has to get done.

  7. Edward Winter

    My colleague downloaded according to the log the 32bit and the 64bit version on the 24th both within 2 hours. (GMT+1)

  8. Mateo Garcia

    I tried the download three times and they’ve always got this error:
    Download Manager Error:
    You have completed the download, but Download Manager could not perform some of the final integrity testing. Check the file and then download if necessary.
    Also I do not see any files in the folder that supposedly I downloaded.
    I uninstalled and reinstalled the Autodesk Download Manager before making my third attempt.
    In the end I opted to order a DVD.
    This is the Autocad_2011_Spanish_Win_32bit.exe.

  9. Earl Kubaskie

    The download manager never gets me more than around 125KB /sec. So I used the browser download from IE 8. 64-bit English came down in a bit over an hour, running around 525 KB/s.

    No matter, I don’t have a seat anyway. I just want to run as 30-day trial to see if the bug I found Friday made it to the shipping version. If it did, I’ll post on it tomorrow. You’re going to love this one, Steve!

  10. Ewen

    No Joy for 2011 download. I opted for the DVD (I think), and my subscription is due for renewal within a week. Technically, I’m entitled to the new version. Not sure if opting for the DVD excludes me from the download option. I guess they got me.

  11. Earl Kubaskie

    I’ve done several downloads from the site in the past few days with no probs. Just not using the DL Manager!

    Got Map 3D 2011 downloading right now, coming in at a hair over 1 megabyte/sec. ISP recently boosted my package speeds to 12 megabit/sec down & 1 megabit/sec up. That runs $60/month surcharge over base rates of 4 megabit/sec down & 512 kilobit/sec up. It’s a lot of $$, but I hate it when my pron downloads slow!

    Actually, I’m a bit surprised that the server is spitting it out that fast. But tomorrow I install and then my first production dwg with transparency goes to the engineer. W00t!

  12. Earl Kubaskie

    Well, here’s what I get for bragging away… Map got to about 95% and “the connection was reset by the server”. I set the download manager to do all 4 Map files at once – about 7 gigs – and it worked OK. About 4 hours, so the speed was up there with 4 files going at once.

    Then I set it to dl AutoCAD LT 2011, and I got the result Steve mentioned earlier. It went all the way, then said it was unable to finish some file processing and failed out.

    And my 2011 bug hunt turned out to be a snipe hunt. I came so close to embarrassing myself in a way I’d never live down…

  13. Mladen

    I wend on their website with 2011 news to download it; After downloading it, I realised it is ACAD 2010 Civil 3D for a 32bit pc…


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