Pin the name on the product and win a prize!

This post is announcing a real competition with a real prize (well, nearly real). The prize will be the album uniVers by my favourite Australian band, Voyager. This will be provided to the winner in the form of a virtual download card which will be emailed to the winner, providing legal access to 320 kbps mp3 files of all the album tracks.

In my previous post, I stated that Autodesk’s 25 March product launch is for AutoCAD 2011 (and other products that I’m not that interested in). I just want to make it clear that that’s a guess and not based on inside information. It’s actually speculation on two levels; first, that the “general design” mentioned in the link means AutoCAD, and second, that the next AutoCAD is going to be called AutoCAD 2011. OK, maybe that looks like a pretty safe bet. After all, the last few Autodesk general design flagship products have been called AutoCAD 2004, AutoCAD 2005, AutoCAD 2006, AutoCAD 2007 (anybody notice a pattern yet?), AutoCAD 2008, AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD 2010.

But maybe not! Maybe Autodesk is going to surprise everybody and call the next general design product something else altogether? I was certainly surprised when Version 2.6 was replaced by Release 9, and when Release 14 was replaced by AutoCAD 2000, so history has proven that the unpredictable can definitely happen as far as Autodesk general design product names go.

That’s the basis for this competition. I want you to come up with a name for the next Autodesk general design product. I will determine the winner by choosing the name I like best. If I can’t decide, I will run a poll. Points will be added for being amusing and deducted for accuracy, so entering “AutoCAD 2011” is unlikely to be a winning move. Anyone can enter regardless of location, employment or affiliation. Enter by posting a comment in response to this post, making it clear which is the product name by enclosing it in quotes. One entry will be accepted per person. If you enter more than one name, your last product name will be deemed to be your entry. Entries will be accepted until 25 March or whenever I feel like it, whichever is sooner. The winner will be announced whenever I get round to it. I will obviously need a real email address for the winner, but all the rest of you can make up any old rubbish. I reserve the right to add, remove, modify and/or bend whatever rules I like, at any time and for whatever reason, however ridiculous or petty.

All clear? Have at it, people!

17 thoughts on “Pin the name on the product and win a prize!

  1. srlafleur

    AutoCAD “TUTEAU”. (The Update To End All Updates)
    AutoCAD “TLUYEN.N” (The Last Update You’ll Ever Need. NOT)
    AutoCAD “TUTMUR” (The Update To Make You Retire)


  2. Chris Cowgill

    4UBCAD (pronounced 4 U B CAD)
    What Worked, Been Changed (although if the past is any indication, I’ll probably get deducted for accuracy)

  3. R. Paul Waddington

    Autodesk announces a NEW range of products: to be released ‘soon’ and fixed over a period of ‘many years’ at customers’ expense. The new range of products will be known as the;

    Autodesk CCC products.

    After extensive market research of existing and ‘new’ customers Autodesk has deemed the majority are looking to be creamed and skinned and as a result have created ‘CASH COW CAD’ as a response.

    With these NEW products Autodesk are responding to customer request in a manner they are well versed in, sticking it right up their supporters and profiting from the experience.

  4. John Evans

    I Liked ‘Should be bug free 2011’ and ‘REAL’
    from me….Ice Cream
    AutoCAD Vanilla (Std AutoCAD)
    AutoCAD Rocky Road (Civil 3D)
    AutoCAD Half Baked (Arch desktop – Project be partially done in Revit)
    AutoCAD espresso (Elec desktop)

    In my defense these are all real ice cream flavors, and REAL was already taken.

  5. Steve Johnson Post author

    These are what I am assuming you want as your entries:

    R.E.A.L. (Real Expensive AutoCAD License) – Brian Benton
    That software under your vertical – Shane Green
    AutoCAD “TUTMUR” (The Update To Make You Retire) – srlafleur
    Civil 4D Sweet – Brent Daley
    Civil Disobedience 3D 2011 – dave ea
    What Worked, Been Changed – Chris Cowgill
    AutoSUBCAD – David Kozina
    DUMMYSPIT V1.0 – Tim English
    Autodesk CCC products – R. Paul Waddington
    AutoCAD 3D – Vladimir
    AutoCAD Cloud – R.K. McSwain
    AutoCAD (should-be-bug-free-by) 2011 – Jason Hicks
    AutoCAD Vanilla – John Evans
    Kraken – Anthony Mason

    If I have misinterpreted what you want to enter as your alternative name for Autodesk’s general design software, please say so now. I intend to do a poll and I need a single choice for each entrant.

  6. Chris Cowgill

    Really my intended name was 4UBCAD, the “what worked, been changed” was just an explanation of what 4UBCAD meant.


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