Truncated RSS feeds – do you care?

I recently switched my RSS feeds to publish a truncated version of each post rather than the whole thing. There has been some discussion of this on an unrelated post, but I’d prefer it if you used this post as the opportunity to express your views on this subject. Personally, I never got into using RSS feeds, and I’m open to your feedback on how this affects you.

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About Steve Johnson

Steve is the owner of cad nauseam, has been a CAD specialist since 1985. His roles have included CAD management, development, consulting and technical writing. Steve has also been a contributing editor for Cadalyst magazine, President of the Western Australian AutoCAD User Group, and a Vice President of CADLock, Inc. He is also an international veteran fencing champion.

7 thoughts on “Truncated RSS feeds – do you care?

  1. Patrick EMIN

    Truncated feed posts are designed to force the reader to go on your site rather than reading only your feed. Personnaly, truncated or not, I most often go to the original article in the hope I don’t miss anything… But I realise other might not so I publish my feed truncated…

  2. crAsh

    I prefer to read full text of feed articles in Reader, and find truncated articles irritating. I will click thru if I have a comment or if there is clearly more elaborate material than Reader can display, but really if a truncated article doesn’t GRAB me, I am more likely to simply ignore it than to click thru. (and to be vaguely annoyed at the author.)

  3. Curt Moreno

    When I began my RSS feed I first used truncated feeds. But then I realized that the traffic to the site was not as important as having people read the content. I personally don’t mind a truncated post and then a click. But when I am on my phone a truncated post does limit my click trough. I think that is the case for most mobile readers like myself.

    For a site like this I think that a truncated post isn’t necessary. I click through b/c you have such a high rate of comment. That is the value add for the click through.

    Just my two cents.

    – KFD –

  4. Brian Hailey

    Interesting topic. I started out posting my topics fully to the feeds and then truncated them down. I personally prefer the truncated topics in reader. The ones that catch my eye I follow through. If they don’t catch my eye, I can skip on to the next one. In wordpress, the excerpt (if you create one) is posted in the feed rather then the first X words of the post. This seems to make sense to me as the first part of a post is usually a lead-in to the main topic whereas the excerpt can be a summary of the post.

  5. Brian Benton

    I love my RSS Reader. I can watch and get mass amounts of information very easily. I can even chose what info I want to get. With RSS it all comes right to me. I don’t have to go looking for it. I provide my full posts in my feed. I find that when I go through my feeds, I often read the post on the site. I’ll open the post of the articles I want to read and read them throughout the day. I don’t think either method is the best, truncated or not. Reading habits will differ from user to user. The main point is that the information is shared. If they want to get to my site then great! If not, then I need to create better content to get them there. I found that I received more hits once I shared my full post. Maybe it was a coincidence.

  6. Anthony Mason

    I follow 77 work-related blogs in my RSS reader (Google). There are a few that I sometimes click through, but in general I just don’t have the time for more than a quick scan. I agree with Brian Hailey that an excerpt would be nice if it is to be truncated. Of course, I’m always glad when I click here because I forget about your polls, which I enjoy voting in. .-)


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