My Real World BricsCAD series is coming soon on the Bricsys blog

In February, my first Bricsys blog post appeared:

Inside Bricsys: Interviewing the creator of BLADE – the new Visual LISP IDE in BricsCAD V18.2

This was an amalgamation of my two similarly named posts on this blog where I interviewed BricsCAD’s Torsten Moses about BLADE, the LISP IDE that arrived with BricsCAD V18.2.

Today marked my first original-material post on the Bricsys blog:

Real World BricsCAD Series Coming Soon

I encourage you to hop over to the Bricsys blog to check it out. I’ve been interviewing real people about their use of BricsCAD and will be reporting what they have to say.

Disclosure: Bricsys is paying me to interview these people and produce these pieces.

Bricsys is not, however, paying me to sugar-coat anything. I’m being left alone to interview who I like and write it up as I see fit. A quote from today’s post will give you some idea of what’s in store:

The posts in this series aren’t going to be your average corporate-waffle puff-pieces. I mean, who reads those things anyway?

If you have used BricsCAD and are willing to be featured in this series, I would love to hear from you. Please contact me using this form and I will be in touch. In addition to the interviews in the pipeline, I have already had my first response to this invitation. A site in Austria with 70 users and lots of custom programming sounds like something I can get my teeth into.

4 thoughts on “My Real World BricsCAD series is coming soon on the Bricsys blog

  1. James Maeding

    How about a site in South Orange County with 100 users and custom programming that replaced Civil3D? …”The Real O.C. Civil Engineers”?
    Most of us don’t actually have plastic surgery though, that is not the customization we get into.

      1. Mark Green

        Please be sure to ask about any add-ons they use, and how they work to shortcut data from one drawing to another. Thanks.


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