6 thoughts on “A & B Tip 3 – benchmarking – /nologo or no?

  1. James Maeding

    Just did some tests on my end again, on 2018 (not 2018.1), and am seeing autocad start in 17 seconds, with or without /nologo. So it seems much less sensitive than 2015, and I only care about a second or more. Tried with civil3d 2018, and am seeing 24 secs with /nologo, and 26 without it. So a couple seconds there, just using stopwatch though. These times are on a current machine, but only gaseous nitrogen/oxygen blend at room temperature used for cooling 🙂 Here is a thought though, our machines all have civil3d as we install IDSP. We uninstall the object enablers for autocad, on purpose, but I still see some AEC things loaded on startup, and we are using a very blank, clean dwt. Do you have any verticals installed, Steve? Also, are you loading any third party menus and tools? Your times are indeed fast. BTW, my 2018 time of 17 seconds is about 5 more than it used to take 2015 to start. A real upgrade.

    1. Steve Johnson Post author

      This is pure plain AutoCAD, no verticals, enablers or add-ons. Best case scenario. I would expect the differences shown here to be significantly more obvious in 95%+ of real-world cases, i.e. I’m making AutoCAD look unrealistically not-so-bad.

      Civil 3D start times are something else again. I’ve seen Civil 3D start times measured in minutes (2 was good, 5 was bad) on middle-aged PCs. This was not helped, I strongly suspect, by Autodesk’s blocked attempts to sneak past the corporate firewall.

  2. Wm.J.Townsend

    Even in the dark ages of multiple minute start times, /nologo made little or no difference.

    I’ve authored little lisp files that start the insert command in specific directories for needle bearings, or helical gearsets, or left-handed ringworm fasteners – all tucked neatly into their own pull down menu hierarchy. The time saved not searching through parts directories hugely outpaces /nologo type changes, but I /nologo ’cause those few seconds of logo offend my simple mind.

  3. Fabien

    Autodesk’s 3D software such as Maya and Max are also plagued by very long startup times (around 25 seconds for a fresh install), while open source Blender 3D (which has the same capabilities) starts in 2-3 secs. Also, installing Blender is just a matter of unzipping a 200 Mb pack wherever you want, even a removable device. User-friendlyness at its best.

    1. Steve Johnson Post author

      Yes, Autodesk has a near-terminal problem with bloat, and doesn’t seem to care about it.

  4. James Maeding

    hmm, we jumped from 2015 to 2018, now going to 2019 because of bugs in Civil3D batch converter. Can you believe the most important part of civil3d for us is the tool that explodes and cleans out civil3d objects from drawings!
    I think now my conclusions on the /nologo are not valid anymore. Each person should do a quick test to see how they are affected, on a blank session, not opening a real drawing.


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