Bricsys 2018 comes to London

I’ve had the pleasure of attending the Bricsys Conference in 2016 (Munich) and 2017 (Paris). This year’s conference will be in another great European city, London, on 23 and 24 October.

Other details have not yet been revealed, but will be posted on the Bricsys Conference page as time goes on. You can sign up on that page for email notifications.

This is a great opportunity for British companies looking at reducing costs and improving efficiency in their CAD and BIM operations to get an idea of what BricsCAD and related applications can do. If you’re further afield, it’s still worth the effort. I was certainly blown away by what I learned at my first conference, and I’d already been evaluating the product for a couple of years before that. It was well worth the journey from Australia.

Disclosure: Bricsys covered my travel expenses for the 2016 and 2017 conferences.

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