Here’s another AutoCAD 2018 download, just in case you haven’t had enough.
If you want to disable AutoCAD’s InfoCenter (and you should, unless have a specific reason for keeping it – here’s why), go get the updated download from uber-expert Owen Wengerd’s ManuSoft Freebies page. It works for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.
we have done that for years in the acaddoc.lsp with:
(vl-registry-write (strcat “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\” (vlax-product-key) “\InfoCenter”) “InfoCenterOn” 0)
Indeed, it’s not complicated, Owen’s thing just makes it code-free for those who don’t do that sort of thing.
Agree with both James and Steve/Owen — we use the lisp code, but for a lot of people, it’s easier with a small plug-in like Owen provides.
For the life of me, I do not understand why there isn’t a toggle in the normal user interface to simply turn it off. On the other hand, I am thankful it isn’t rigged to a point where we can’t disable it.
What is a good reason for keeping it?
I don’t have a reason for keeping it, but I guess there might be some people who use it in the manner Autodesk intended.
If I disable it can I still use the GEOMAP command?
Probably. Because the disabling is just changing a registry setting rather than deleting anything, it’s completely and easily reversible. So it’s easy to check all of the effects by turning it on and off without harm.