One invitation to Autodesk and another to Autodesk’s competitors

Dear Autodesk PR person, you are undoubtedly aware that I have published a series of posts that detail exactly why switching from maintenance to subscription is a bad deal. If you believe anything I have written to be in error, feel free to contact me with what you believe to be the correct information. I intend to publish an extensive detailed summary on Monday 13 March, with or without your input. You know where to find me, over to you.

Dear Autodesk-competitor PR person, if you are providing any kind of special offer to entice disgruntled Autodesk customers over to your fold under these special circumstances, let me know about it. I will pass the information on to my readers in another post, as-is, and not as any kind of recommendation. You can comment here in public or email me.

One thought on “One invitation to Autodesk and another to Autodesk’s competitors

  1. Woody B

    Not sure where the $1470 price for AutoCAD came from, perhaps non-USA price? Everywhere I’ve seen it at $1400/yr. I find that over 16% price reduction interesting, wonder if there are any posts about that anywhere??


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