Steve’s fencing year 2016

Some of you may be aware I’m an active veteran fencer. I’ve been a bit quiet over the past month because I’ve been away, attending two major fencing tournaments. I’ll post some video later, but here are my national and international medal results this year:

Australian Fencing Circuit 1, Melbourne, Australia
  • Veteran Men’s Sabre – Bronze and 50+ Gold
Asian Masters / Oceania and AFC 3 Veterans, Perth, Australia
  • Asian Masters / Oceania Veteran / AFC3 Veteran Men’s Sabre (50+) – Gold
  • Asian Masters / Oceania Veteran / AFC3 Veteran Men’s Foil (50+) – Bronze
  • Asian Masters / Oceania Veteran Men’s Sabre Teams (Australia A) – Gold
  • Asian Masters / Oceania Veteran Men’s Foil Teams (Australia Green) – Bronze
Commonwealth Veteran Fencing Championships, Christchurch*, New Zealand
  • Men’s Sabre (50+) – Gold
  • Men’s Sabre Teams (Australia) – Gold
  • Men’s Foil Teams (Australia) – Gold

* I flew into Christchurch the day after the earthquake.

Australian Open and Veteran Fencing Championships**, Canberra, Australia
  • Open Men’s Sabre Teams (Western Australia) – Silver
  • Veteran Men’s Sabre – 50+ Gold
  • Veteran Men’s Foil – Silver and 50+ Gold
  • Veteran Sabre Teams (Western Australia – Captain) – Gold
  • Veteran Epee Teams (Western Australia – Captain) – Gold
  • Veteran Foil Teams (Western Australia – Captain) – Bronze

** At these Championships I fenced in 11 events and came away with 7 medals, which I believe is a men’s record for Australian events.

So among other things, I’m 50+ Sabre Champion of Australia, Oceania, Asia and the Commonwealth. The Western Australia Championships were also awarded a couple of weeks ago, where I won Veteran Championships in all three weapons and the Master-at-Arms (all-rounder) Championship. All-in-all, a pretty good year!

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