ClassicArray Beta 2 (0.5.0)

I have just posted the second public Beta of ClassicArray™ (version number 0.5.0). There are some documentation updates (still no Help, though), and the main changes are:

  • Bugs fixed with rectangular arrays where single-row and/or column arrays confused AutoCAD.
  • The command now remembers its settings from one invocation to the next, within a single drawing session.
  • Timebomb has been moved on 7 days to 21 April.

The ReadMe.txt file in the zip explains how to uninstall the old version. Simply delete the old ClassicArray.bundle folder from the place you put it. Replace it with the new ClassicArray.bundle folder from the later zip file. Then try to break it!

Please see the main ClassicArray Beta post for the download, and add any comments there.