You may have noticed things being a little quiet around here lately. Don’t worry, things are going to ramp up again soon. I have had about a dozen things on the go and for various reasons, some to do with travelling and some technical, I haven’t quite finished any of them. But you should see a flurry of activity before too long.
Here’s some of what I’ve was doing while I was travelling and hoping in vain to get some work done:

Australian and Oceania Veteran Sabre Final 2018

Bling haul from 2018 Australian and Oceania Championships – retained my 50+ Australian and Oceania sabre titles

Competing in the Commonwealth Veteran Sabre Team event

Commonwealth Veteran Sabre Team podium

Commonwealth bling – Retained my Championships in Veteran Sabre (50+) and Veteran Sabre Teams
Also, my daughter Emma capped off a great fencing year by competing for Australia for the first time, finishing with a bronze medal in the Commonwealth Women’s Sabre Team Championship. She’s now ranked 1 in Australia in both Under 17 and Under 20 categories and won three more Western Australian Championships this year, taking her total up to 22.
Wow awesome Steve, congratulations and well done!
Doings us West Aussies proud. Great news your daughter is following your footsteps as well and is just as talented.