Some things have been mentioned to me privately that have made me curious. Curiosity is like an itch for me, I just have to scratch it. So here goes.
If you have been let go, fired, made redundant, discarded, dumped, sacked, had your office closed, encouraged to take a termination offer, sidelined into an untenable position, failed to have your contract renewed or otherwise ceased your employment at Autodesk in a not-entirely-voluntary manner in the last ten years, I’d like to know how old you were at the time. There’s a poll in this post and in the left sidebar.

The overall results will be public, but the individual responses will of course remain private. Feel free to add your observations in the comments, with or without your real name.
It’s well known among current and former employees that Autodesk has a sell-by date for employees. Based on what I’ve heard, this was more obvious than ever in the November ‘17 restructuring. If you are over 50 and have had enough time with the company to climb the salary curve and collect a bunch of options, you’re marked for disposal unless you have a VP-level or above protector. It doesn’t much matter how good you are, though if you’re a star maybe you’ll avoid one or two rounds of restructuring roulette.
Yes, that’s what I’ve heard from too many sources for it to be a coincidence or just sour grapes.