Anybody go to the AU Cloud Innovation Forum?

At this year’s Autodesk University, Autodesk is running a series of Innovation Forums. There was one scheduled for Tuesday November 29 at 10:00 (Las Vegas time) called The Promise of the Cloud – The Implications of Virtually Infinite Computing for Your Industry. That’s about 12 hours ago as I type this. I was hoping to attend this event, but unfortunately that didn’t happen.

Did any of you attend that Forum? If so, what did you think? How did Autodesk address the concerns and promote the benefits? Did you feel any differently about CAD in the Cloud after attending it? Please add your own comments here, or if you wish to make more expansive observations, please contact me and I may publish a post dedicated to your review.

One thought on “Anybody go to the AU Cloud Innovation Forum?

  1. Oleg Shilovitsky

    John, I attended Cloud Innovation forum. Planning to post my thoughts on the blog later this week. Autodesk is strategically focusing on the cloud technologies. More my blog later or contact me oleg [at] beyondplm [dot] com.


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