Had any problems with this site lately?

A couple of days ago, my web hosting server was down. This is pretty unusual with the hosting company I use, but these things can happen to the best from time to time. This site was up again after a couple of hours, during which I received the excellent customer service that is par for the course at Saratoga Hosting. It’s when things go wrong you really learn how good a company’s customer service is. Saratoga’s customer service is the best I have seen from any company in any field, ever.

I have had one person email me to let me know that they could not add a comment yesterday. Anyone else have such issues over the past 48 hours? Feel free to use this post to mention any other issues you have with commenting, reading, navigating, searching or otherwise using this site.

3 thoughts on “Had any problems with this site lately?

  1. Steve Johnson Post author

    Thanks for the report. In this case, that is normal; any comment that contains a link is automatically held for approval before appearing. I’ve approved it now.

  2. R. Paul Waddington

    That’s interesting Steve because between the brackets in my posting was the link to the drawing I was refering to; I did take it out on one occasion thinking it may have caused the problem but I still could not ‘send’. Subsequently I forgot to replace it and so I will give it here and that will beter context to what I said about hatching in AutoCAD 2011.

    The link was http://www.ozemail.com.au~cadwest1gallery


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