What would you ask Autodesk about Subscription and upgrades?

My post on Autodesk’s new upgrade pricing regime attracted a fair amount of comment, much of it critical of Autodesk.

So, let’s follow this up. Let’s say, just hypothetically, that you had an Autodesk high-up in front of you who was willing to answer questions about Subscription and upgrade policy. What would you ask? Please add a comment here with your question. If you want to do so privately, use the Contact link at the top of the page. I would ask that you keep your question civil, relevant and reasonably concise. Other than that, anything goes, so let’s have ‘em.

I’ve done this before and did get some answers. Although not all of you liked the answers, they were better than no answers at all. I can’t promise that all your questions will be answered this time, but I’ll see what I can do.

4 thoughts on “What would you ask Autodesk about Subscription and upgrades?

  1. Robert

    The price is ridiculous. The subscription fees are insane.

    But it is Autodesk’s treatment of long-time customers that sickens me. Especially for those of us who put our time in, running user groups, doing presentations, running the early cad forums. No recognition, no discount, nobody at AutoDesk knows who I am anymore or cares. They bought out the third-party products we used the most and promptly killed them with foolishness and ignorance.

    I could go on and on, but instead I have decided to vote with my wallet and move on to another platform where the total cost of ownership is far lower and the customer matters.

    Oh yeah, this was about asking AutoDesk a question. Well, here it is:

    AutoDesk, what happened to you? You used to be so cool.

  2. Stephen

    Autodesk, in these of tough economic times where staff have had to be “released”, why can’t we put our “unused” copies of AutoCAD on “permanant hold”, until the work picks up and staff are employed to use them, then re-start the subscription from that time?

    Your ridiculous “simplified upgrade pricing” regime has stimied the prospect’s of many companies not re-subscribing this round – instead, wait until next year to see how the times are. So we would be dumping all those “unused” AutoCAD’s altogether rather than pay ridiculous upgrade prices, and like Robert points to, move on to another cheaper alternative platform. You are the ones losing out on this situation, not us.

  3. Brent Daley

    I’m still waiting for the book to come out. I’m thinking something along the lines of “Covert Operations of Autodesk”, maybe Clancy will be interested in signing a book deal?

    I really cannot find a legitimate reason why everyone spends so much money every year on this software. (Guilty as charged by the way!) Office doesn’t come out every year with a new version, and even when it does do you race to the store to buy it? Heck no, because it allows you to be compatible with earlier versions. Do you pay every year even if you don’t use the latest software…again, hell no. Basically…upgrade at your own pace and pocketbook. This line of thinking that Autodesk has is truly ridiculous.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to use software for a year on a project without having to learn anything, or fix errors and bugs, or worry about file formats, etc., just actually get some work production done, use your architectual, engeering, cad skills, etc. and make a profit.

    So here’s my question…

    Autodesk. Do you have a conscience?

  4. R. Paul Waddington

    The principal behind software subscriptions is not a ‘bad’ business tool when looked at from both the vendor’s and customers’ view point; and the principal is applied broadly and in differing forms from landscaping/mowing/vehicle maintenance to insurance.

    The sticking point for software users is more to with the deliverables and this is the hard part for the vendor; they have a requirement to try and ensure their future as an organization and to do so requires funding. When working with mature products (that don’t wear out) this becomes a real issue and so the subscription systems becomes their lifeline and its effects on customers takes on a ‘back seat’ role.

    My question would be to ask Autodesk, why after twenty five (25) + years they have failed to find a more professional, flexible and applicable approach to maintaining and capitalizing on customer loyalty?


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