We have a winner

Congratulations to Brian Benton from CAD-a-Blog. His alternative name for AutoCAD 2011, R.E.A.L. (Real Expensive AutoCAD License) was clearly the most popular among those who voted in the pin the name on the product competition. Brian is now the proud (or otherwise) owner of a virtual album, uniVers by Voyager:

Voyager uniVers Download Card

I’m not sure what Brian will make of the opening moments of the album, where accordion music leads into part-grunty vocals. Maybe it would be best to start with track 8, Falling, instead.

2 thoughts on “We have a winner

  1. Curt Moreno

    Oh I bet Brian is going to love it. He strikes me as an grunty, accordion sort of fellow. Congrats on winning and congrats on running a successful contests.

    Gold stars all around!

    – KFD –


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