Who is this person?

The first person to identify the pixellated personage below will win a virtual doughnut. Bonus sprinkles will be provided if anyone can identify the other people, the event, the location and the year.

Mystery person

Picture courtesy of Donnia Tabor-Hanson (CADMama), from this thread in the AUGI Coffee Without CAD forum. I encourage you to read that thread and see if you can contribute to the idea it is promoting, but not until you’ve had a guess here! Readers of that thread and the people appearing in the photo should recuse themselves. Over to you!

Edit: lots of right answers (which I’ve now unhidden). Well done, Owen!

15 thoughts on “Who is this person?

  1. Steve Johnson Post author

    I’ve hidden answers to avoid spoiling the fun. I’ll hide other answers as I see them. When I eventually restore them, they will reappear in the same order they were submitted.

  2. dave ea

    i’m guessing that is lynn allen. of course the non-pixelated faces are that of former AUGI president LeAnne Thurmond (who married Ed Holcombe years ago) and former AUGI president David Harrington.

  3. Guillermo Melantoni

    ADT 1.0 was released in October 1998, so that should be it. My first ADT was 2.0, and I remember it had a similar box to the one in the photograph, but I believe that was released during 1999.


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