AutoCAD 2010 release date

After my recent attendance at the AutoCAD 2010 launch, I have a few dozen subjects I’d like to blog about, lots of video editing to do, and not enough free time in which to do it. Many of my fellow launch-attending bloggers have beaten me to it with many of the meaty bits, but I’ll be covering much of that stuff in my own way and from my own perspective over the next few weeks.

One thing I can do with minimum effort is to pass on an important piece of information I haven’t seen mentioned elsewhere yet: the date that Autodesk plans to actually ship AutoCAD 2010. That date is (drumroll)…

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

No great surprises there; the 12-month release cycle continues as usual.

Although this information was imparted to a room full of bloggers in an on-the-record session, I suspect it may have slipped out accidentally. It’s a planned date and may yet change subject to various circumstances. It applies to AutoCAD and probably AutoCAD LT; the vertical variants of AutoCAD will have later ship dates, probably in mid-April.

Interestingly, in a conversation with an Autodesk Australia person today, I was told that the 2010 launch dates are staggered across the globe. (That’s launch dates, not ship dates). So although everybody in Australia with an Internet connection already knows what’s in AutoCAD 2010, Autodesk Australia itself is apparently not allowed to disclose any information about it until Monday, 23 March 2009. That’s kind of bizarre if true, and I suspect it may be based on some kind of misunderstanding, but that’s what I was told.

4 thoughts on “AutoCAD 2010 release date

  1. R. Paul Waddington

    “Interestingly, in a conversation with an Autodesk Australia person …….., Autodesk Australia itself is apparently not allowed to disclose any information about it until Monday, 23 March 2009. That’s kind of bizarre if true, and I suspect it may be based on some kind of misunderstanding, but that’s what I was told.”

    Given yours and readers recent posting relating to Autodesk and ‘listening’, this absurd little revelation, true, a misunderstanding or not, it is a demonstration of just how out of touch are the management and staff of Autodesk. In our CAD world it is Autodesk who constantly tell users how out of touch they are if they have not the latest software release etc., and yet here is a one of the CAD worlds ‘leading vendors’ behaving as a nineteen century mail house.

    Even if the communication/understanding, of what they could or could not do has been misunderstood, not to have rectified it, or simply knowing to keep the mouth shut, so as not to appear so backward, is evidence enough of grave shortcomings of either the staff involved or the communication system they are using.

    In any event, I am sure when Carl the Bass the boss reads your comments, Steve, he will rectify the situation: immediately dispatching an envoy to the ‘great south land’ carrying a satchel with the correct instructions and sufficient information for the staff, at Macquarie Park, to actually tell us all AutoCAD 2010 is on the way!

    They may also be carrying an answer to the question I asked six(6) days ago about the ‘replacement’ portable licence manager in 2010 😉

  2. şampiyonlar ligi maç özetleri

    Steve, he will rectify the situation: immediately dispatching an envoy to the ‘great south land’ carrying a satchel with the correct instructions and sufficient information for the staff, at Macquarie Park, to actually tell us all AutoCAD 2010 is on the way!


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